
Testimonials & Reviews From Our Past Clients

Happy Basset Hound Owner Testimonials

This is my “Fun” page, filled with happy puppies and their families. I appreciate all of the new basset hound owners who have contacted me with their reviews and pictures. I enjoy reading about your updates.

From Wisconsin

Hello! Just to let you know that a year has passed and this is a picture of Mocha. We adore her so much, and she is such a sweetheart. I appreciate everything you did for us. I hope all is well with you, your family, and your dogs! Enjoy a fantastic holiday. Be careful. Jennifer.

basset hound puppies

From Orlando, FL

“Stacy and Akuma are doing well in their new environment. They are doing well with potty training and get along well with their new brother and sister. They’re pretty smart! We adore them so far, and I’m overjoyed to have my new kids. I’m very grateful.”

basset hound breeders

From Tampa, FL

“We appreciate your help in getting these amazing basset hounds, who make wonderful companions. They take great pleasure in every new experience and are very intelligent. They are entertaining and never cease to remind us how lucky we are to have them in our lives.”

basset hound breeders

From Mesa, AZ

“Hi, I just wanted to let you know how Max is doing! He is perfectly healthy and an absolute angel for the veterinarians, having just returned from their visit! He is very loving and kind. His siblings, the dogs and cats, love him. He’s loved and adored by everyone around him, and he’s even picking up new tricks! I sincerely appreciate you letting me welcome him into our family.”

basset hound breeders

From San Jose, CA

“Hi, I just wanted to say hi and let you know how great Makena is doing. She is the most wonderful little dog we have ever had, and she is also the cutest little girl. She can sit and retrieve, and she has already become housebroken (with only one incident). She is so amazing that we are considering having another one.”

basset hound breeders

From Atlantic City, NJ

“Hi, I bought one of your puppies that was born on December 29. I just wanted to give you an update and drop you a note.
He is growing so fast and is incredibly intelligent; he can sit and lay down, is potty trained for outdoors, and already knows out and leave it. In addition, he is a very confident basset with a lot of personality who adores everyone he meets and enjoys discovering new things. He instantly wins the hearts of everyone who meets him. He’s just so charming and enjoyable.”

basset hound puppies

From Houston, TX

“Hi there,
You come highly recommended, and I can personally attest to the amazing quality of your Bassets. This July, two years ago, my daughter Megan bought a female Basset named lily from you. Lily is extremely amazing!
Over the years, our family has raised eight Bassets. We are seeking to expand our family by bringing a female Basset into our home. Our current dog, Jaxon, is four years old.”

Send us your feedback, and we’ll gladly share it

Adoption is a selfless act of love. Find your new best friend by getting in touch with us right now. Please send us your comments, and we will be happy to share them with our clients! Kindly forward it to.

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